Success comes to those, who work hard. And stays with those, Who don't rest on the laurels of the past.
The scientific revolution is largely driven by advances in pharmaceutical technology, biotechnology, (Molecular biology, Life Sciences, Healthcare Sciences), computer sciences. With such incredible changes the definition of pharmaceutical sciences will have to be altered and consequently the prospective role of pharmacist, pharmacy profession and pharmacy education need to be redefined.
"The practice of medicine is an art, not a trade; a calling, not a business; a calling in which your heart will be exercised equally with your head."-William Osler
The IPS College of Pharmacy was set up in the year 2005 with the objective of creating new generation pharmacists to take up new challenges in pharmaceutical and drug industry, and clinical pharmacy. The College strives to encourage entrepreneurship, and finally, instil the quality and ethics of pharmacy profession in the students. The College is deeply committed to mould quality professionals with character and competence to touch the humanity with a
compassionate heart.
The institution is established with the sole objective of producing outstanding graduates and post graduates. The institution is committed to over all development of prospective students along with high quality education.
The institute runs the following programmes:
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