JOKE MACHINE | TECHNOPARV 2K17 | TechFest of Institute Of Professional Studies
THE JOKE MACHINE (Stand Up Comedy)

Stand-up comedy is a comic style in which a comedian performs in front of a live audience, usually speaking directly to them.


Venue- Amphitheatre
Timing- 6:00PM Onwards
Date-08 April 2017

Rules & Regulations

Rules for event:-

1. Participation is open for all.
2. It is an individual competition.
3. Maximum time allotted for performance is 3 – 5 minutes.
4. Participants will be judged on the basis of content, fluency, spontaneity, presentation and sense of humor.
5. Pointing out any individual or religion is not allowed.
6. Any dual meaning or obscene content is strictly prohibited.
7. Negative marking for exceeding time limit.
8. Decision of the judges shall be final.
9. Mimicry is strictly prohibited.
10. Any personal or slanderous attack is strictly prohibited.
11. Participants can imitate or create the character of their own.


Atul Pawaiya(+91-9907095569)

Registration Fees: Rs. 150/-

Prize Money: