Happy Feet

If you think you can dance, Just Prove It! Happy Feet is Dance Competition


Venue- CTM Ground (Auditions, Semifinal) & Amphitheatre(Final)
Timing:-Audition- 11:30 AM Onwards
`Date-08 April 2017

Rules & Regulations

Rules for solo:

Participants will have to face two rounds before finale which are screening and semifinal.
After screening, registration will be open for selected participants.
For screening and semifinal , participants will have 2 minutes for performance.
Performance time will be 4 minutes in finale.

Rules for group:

There will be only one round before finale which is semifinal round.
Participants will have to pay registration fee before semifinal round.
For semifinal, participants will have 4 minutes for their performances.
Members should be 8-10.
Performance time will be 6 minutes in finale.


Participation will be open for all.
Song should not be vulgar.
Participants will have to come with their college/school ID and track also.

Judgement will be based on:-

Song selection (20 marks)
Expression (10 marks)
Choreography (10 marks)
Performance (10 marks)

Judges decision shall be final.


Sakshi Singhal(+91-9039310423)
Shubham Shakya(+91-7415658531)

Registration fee :- Solo- Rs.250

