Venue- In front of Civil lab
Timing- 12PM - 4PM
Date- 10 April 2017
Rules & Regulations
There is no entry fee for this round. Each team (of two person)will be tested for their knowledge related to the wild animals by means of an objective type question paper.
Those team who clears the first round now enters the screening round. Each selected team should have to pay a registration amount of INR 100
In this round an objective type question paper is provided ,to each team which consists of four options.The top five teams will go to the main round.
ROUND 1: Rapid fire round,four question will be asked from each team.
ROUND 2: Question related to the Reptiles.
ROUND 3:Identify the Sound
ROUND 4:Picture quiz.
ROUND 5:Buzzer round. In which five question will be asked without options.