Information technology Department is part of the IPS College of technology and management. The department offers the four years Bachelor degrees, since its inception in 2007, the Department of Information technology is a center for research and education. The driving mission for the department is to advance the frontiers of research in Information technology and automation and impart world-class training in Information technology to students. As with any education institution, students give the department a dynamic character and an active culture towards Information technology, guided by their faculty. The Department provides state of the art computing facilities to the students. It also promotes active industry-institute collaboration by identifying areas of interest and taking part in sponsored research projects. Apart from teaching, the faculty is also involved in research, consultancy and development programs. Some of the major research areas which the faculty members and students working on are
Computer Networks , Database, Theoretical Computer Science, Multimedia ,Image Processing, Software Engineering , Data Mining, computing architecture, artificial intelligence, Neural network
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