1. Student of class 9th to 12th can participate in the competition.
2. Registration fees for each participant : Rs. 100/- only.
3. Objective question will be asked from the Computer Science field and allied.
4. The competition is to be conducted in the three rounds.
Round 1: Offline Examination
Round 2: Online Examination
Round 3: Stage Round
5. 1st Round will be individual round.
6. 2nd & 3rd round will be interschool round that would be held at IPS-CTM, Gwalior.
7. A team would comprise of only 3 students.
8. Maximum 3 teams per school will be allowed.
9. The mobile and other gadgets are prohibited during the examination. If it is found with any student he/she will be disqualified on the spot.
10. If any prohibited items are found during the II & III round of the quiz with any of the members of any team, the team will be disqualified.
11. Students must come in their school uniform with ID card.
Round I: Offline Examination (School Level)
1. 1st round will be individual round that is to be conducted uniformly across the city in all the respective high schools and higher secondary schools during October 10-30, 2019 and the evaluation will be done by the school authorities themselves
2. Exam Pattern
i. No. of question - 60
ii. Time duration - 60 min.
iii. One mark for each correct answer.
iv. No negative marking.
3. One Team (03 students each) can participate in next round for each group of 30 students. If students are more than 30, schools can send two teams.
4. Maximum Three scorers from each school will get Medals*.
5. Certificates of participation will be given to all the students.
Round II: Online Examination
1. Online Examination will be conducted at IPS College of Technology & Management Gwalior on 2nd week November, 2019.
2. The teams formed after first round will participate in this round.
3. Each team will be provided a computer for the online exam.
4. Exam Pattern
i. No. of question - 100
ii. Time duration - 60 min.
iii. One Mark for each correct answer.
iv. No negative marking.
5. Top 4 (four) teams will be eligible for the final round.
Round III. Stage Round
1. This round will also be conducted at IPS College of Technology & Management, Gwalior on the same day i.e. 2nd week November, 2019..
2. The rules and regulations will be announced by the event coordinator in the beginning of the stage round.