Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in the year 2007 with the aim of developing professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills to meet the needs and challenges of the dynamic field of computer Engineering. The Department boasts of a team of quality, full time faculty members engaged in teaching, learning and research. In terms of infrastructure, Department of Computer Science is fully equipped with high configuration systems and fully net worked campus with high speed internet connectivity which gives our faculty and students an edge over their counter parts. Our close ties with industry, coupled with our commitment to education and research and ensures that students get a rigorous, relevant and broad based education. Our laborites enable the students to be in close proximity to the latest and upgraded technologies. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering with its cohesive team of faculty members, offers a sound program at the UG level. The curriculum is a blend of the conventional and the radical. It is updated regularly to keep up with the growing demands and the changing trends of the software industry and research laboratories.
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