The Central Library of IPS CTM started in the Institute in the year 2007, since then, it has grown in size and content to take the present shape. With the developments in computers, microelectronics and communication technologies, the behavioral characteristics of the information seekers have been changing rapidly and the library is trying its best to adapt with the technological advancement. Since inception, the library has been the lifeline of the academic activities of the Institutes. It is no exaggeration to state that the Central Library of IPS CTM is one of the largest and finest technical libraries in state. It has been catering to the needs of the two thousand students of undergraduates, postgraduates, two hundred faculty members and staff members of the 8 departments of the institute.
The Library is well equipped with modem facilities and resources (print and electronic) in the forms of CDROMs, DVD-ROM, online databases, micro-documents, video cassettes, books, journals, standards, theses reports etc. It has also developed a full-fledged Digital Library equipped with necessary modem equipment in order to provide various digital mode Library services.
The Library routine services have been fully automated using the library database management software 'LibSys' version 7. It is an integrated Library management software package, with all the required modules for automated library management systems. The Central Library being a core member of DELNET provides online access to many important full-text databases in Science and Engineering subjects as well as abstracting database services. The Central Library website, provides online access to all these e-resources. In addition to DELNET e-resources, Central Library also currently subscribed a good length of e-resources (e-Journals, e-books and e-database).
Library Timing: The Central Library of IPS CTM is kept open from 9:30 am to 4:00 p.m. on all the week days and week-end days, except Institute holidays.
Library Collection (print and e-resources): The Library is having a collection of more than 16500 text books covering 2600 titles, subscribing about 100 print journals, and providing access to over 60 online full- text journals and several abstracting databases. Besides, there are several e-books. The collection consists of Books, Back-volumes of Periodicals, Theses, Conference Proceedings, Standards, Reports, Microforms, and CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Databases and Audiovisual materials.
Special Gallery: The Library sets up gallery of books on special topics from time to time. At present, the topics include Competitive Exam & Personality Development Books, and Works of Nobel laureates. The galleries are located in the foyer of the Central Library.
Classical and Contemporary Literature Section: Literature represents a language or a people; culture and tradition. But, literature is more important than just historical or cultural artifact. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. We learn about books and literature; we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow and evolve through our literary journey with books.
Judging the importance of literature the Central Library has recently introduce a Classical & Contemporary Literature (CCL) Section with a collection of 100 titles in English and different Indian regional languages. Apart from OPAC searching to identify and locate a particular title of the user's interest from CCL Section one printed catalogue is also kept ready in the Section. The book from the Section will be issued for 15 days only.
Indian News Paper Corner: The Library has an Indian Magazines & News paper Comer which is located in the Library foyer. Popular Indian weeklies & monthlies and News papers are displayed here. These are not lent out.
Digital Library and Collection: The Digital Library is housed in the Central Library. The Digital Library Collections consist of online e-Databases, CD-ROM Databases, Video courses, and other audio visual materials. There are several Video courses that consist of lectures given by IIT's faculty on subjects covered in various curriculum. User education programme is conducted weekly for enabling the users to use the Digital Library resources effectively
Old Question Paper: Hard copies of old question paper, of B.E./M.Tech./M.B.A., mid and end-term examinations of the Institute are available in Central Library.
CCTV: To ensure proper surveillance of various potential locations of this large Library, we have recently installed CCTV cameras. These cameras have been located evenly at Central Library, digital video recorders continuously provide real time outputs of cameras for viewing at the 'Console Room', and also at specific terminals located at Security Checkpoint and other sections of the Library. The DVR recorders can store the real time outputs of all cameras for over 14 days period in its memory. Installation of the CCTV at the Central Library has immensely facilitated effective surveillance of all important locations of the Library.