Circulation Section
Location: Entrance of the Library
Circulation section is the gateway between users and documents so it plays a major role to any Library and Information System. IPS CTM Central Library Circulation Section performs issue, renewal, return of books using LibSys software. Apart from these basic tasks many other jobs like membership registration, issue no-dues certificate, inter library lone, overdue fine collection, book reservation, etc. and all kind of queries by the users are being performed by this section.
- Users should check the physical condition of a book while borrowing the same.
- If the damaged book belongs to a set, then the user is responsible for the entire set.
- During power/system failures, the circulation counter services will be suspended.
- Immediately after the issue of a book, the user is required to take out the same from the library
- No book shall be returned on the day of issue.
- While leaving the library user should ensure that they carry only those books that are duly issued on their names, otherwise disciplinary action will be taken against them.
- User must check the Accession Number of the book issued by his / her name with the printed borrower's slip before leaving the circulation counter. No objection will be considered afterwards.
- Every user is requested to check the status of books outstanding against his/her name soon after a transaction at the counter. Discrepancy, if any, should be brought to the notice of the counter person immediately. Any complaint thereafter is not likely to be entertained.
- When there is an emergent demand for a borrowed book, the same must be returned within seven days to the library.
- Users are responsible for complying with the copyright act while photocopying library document.
- An outgoing member should return the library identity card and all the documents outstanding against his/her name along with his outstanding delay fine if any.
- If any member is found misusing /mutilating /stealing/ cutting pages from a book, disciplinary action will be initiated against him/her, beside withdrawing the library facilities.
- Improper use of library facilities by a member will lead to the suspension of termination of his/her membership.
- Use of Mobile phone is strictly prohibited inside library premises. If found, the membership as well as use of library facilities may be suspended.
Fines for lost Books / Cards
In case of lost library identity card, a duplicate card may be issued on the basis of application along with receipt of Rs. 10/- deposited to the institute account.
If an user lost his/her library book he/she has to --
- Submit a new book as per the library regulations.
- Pay the price of the lost book.
Overdue Charges
A borrowed books should return within the due date, otherwise one rupee (Rs.1/-) per day per book will be collected from the user as overdue charge.
Mrs. Renu Dubey, Asst. Librarian
Section In-charge, Circulation Section