S.No. | Title | Author |
01 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. | Charniak Eugene |
02 | Internetworking with TCP/IP vol - Ist. | Comer,D.E. |
03 | Fundamentals of Software Engineering. | Ghezzi Carlo |
04 | Database Management Systems. | Kahate Atul |
05 | Elements of theory of Computation. | Lewis R. havvy |
06 | Fundamentals of Neural Networks | Fausett, Laurene |
07 | Introduction to Data Structure in C | Kamthane Ashok |
08 | Fundamentals of Database Systems | Elmasri |
09 | Introduction to Unix Shell Programming. | Venkatesh Murthy |
10 | Introdution to computer science | ITL ESL |
11 | A First course in Database Systems. | Ullman D. Jeffrey |
12 | Introduction to design & analysis of algorithms | Levitin Anany |
13 | Intro, to Automata theory language& Computation | Hopcroft E. John |
14 | Essentials of copmuter Artitecture | Comer E. Douglas |
15 | Distributed Systems: Pricciple & Paradigms | Tanenbaum S. Anderson |
16 | Distributed operating Systems | Tanenbaum S. Anderson |
17 | Distributed Systems | Coulouris & kindberg |
18 | Introduction to information technology | ITL ESL |
19 | Database systems Implemention | Garcia Molina |
20 | Computer system design & Architecture. | Heuring & Jordan. |
21 | Computer Organization and Architecture | Stalling,William. |
22 | Database Systems | Singh S.K. |
23 | The design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms. | Aho & Ullman. |
24 | Computer system organization & Architecture | Carpinelli D. John |
25 | Computer Netwoking | Raw H. Stanford |
26 | Computer Networking & Internet | Halsall Fred |
27 | Cryptography & Network Security | Stalling,William. |
28 | Computer Network & Internets | Comer E. Douglas |
29 | Database Systems | Connolly Thomas |
30 | Computer Networking with internet Protocols | Stalling,William. |
31 | Data structure & Programms Design in C | Kruse Robert |
32 | Data structure using C | Balaguruswami E. |
33 | Data structure using C | Tenenbaum M. A |
34 | Computer Networking | Kurise F. james |
35 | Data and computer communications | Stalling,William. |
36 | Artificial Intelligence | George F. |
37 | Structured computer organization | Tanenbaum S. Anderson |
38 | Artificial Intelligence | Winston Henry |
39 | Computer Graphics | Foley D. James |
40 | Data structure and Algorithms | Aho & Ullman. |
41 | Computer Algorithms | Baase Sera |
42 | Compilers Principles techniques & tools | Aho & Ullman. |
43 | Data structure using C & C++ | Longsoon yadidyah` |
44 | Operational Amplifiers with linear | Stanley william D. |
45 | Computer Architecture. | Parhami, behrooz |
46 | Computer Networks | Natalia Olzfer |
47 | Operating system principle | Silberschatz |
48 | Data structures and Algorithms using C | Salaria R.S. |
49 | Computer Graphics | Roy Gautam |
50 | Operating System concepts | Walia ekta |
51 | Automata and formal Language | Shukla A.P. |
52 | Computer Networks | Sidhu Bhavneet |
53 | Thinking in C++ | Mahapatra P.B. |
54 | Fundamentals of Algorithms | Brassard Gilles |
55 | Computer Architechure And Algorithms | Chakraborty P. |
56 | Computer Terminology | Banerjee H.R. |
57 | The Spirit of C | Cooper Mullish |
58 | Artificial Neural Systems | Zurada J.M. |
59 | Learning C++ | Nagler , Eric |
60 | Software engineering fundamentals | Benforg & Hudson |
61 | Graph Theory | Deo, Narsingh |
62 | Introduction to graph theory | Robin wilson |
63 | Introduction to graph theory | West Douglas |
64 | Distributed operating systems: concepts & design | Sihna , P.K. |
65 | Artificial Intelligence. | Rich & Night |
66 | Theory of Computation | Natrajan A.M. |
67 | Theory of Automata Formal Language | Xavier |
68 | Intro.to Relation databases & SQL Programming | Allen Christopher |
69 | Database Management Systems. | Panneerselvam R. |
70 | Introduction to theory of computer sc. | Kishnamurthy E.V. |
71 | Perspectives in Computer Architecture | Rao P.V.S. |
72 | Compiler design | Chattopadhyay |
73 | Data base Management System | Narang Rajesh |
74 | Digital logic and computer Organisation | Rajaraman V. |
75 | Computer fundamental & Application | B. Ram |
76 | The Design and Analysis of Algorithms. | Upadhyay Nitin |
77 | Computer System Architecture | Jain |
78 | Computer Networks | Sharma Sanjay |
79 | PC Upgrading Maintenance & Trouble Shooting Guide | Chauhan S.K. |
80 | Multimedia System | Pandey Sujata |
81 | Compiler design | Pandey Sujata |
82 | Software engineering | Agrawal K.K. |
83 | Object-Oriented Programming C++ | Salaria R.S. |
84 | Visual Basic Project | Sahoo Gagan B. |
85 | Beginner's guide to V B 6 | Bhatia Mandeep |
86 | C projects | Sahoo Reeta |
87 | Beginner's guide to Computer Programming | Salaria R.S. |
88 | Principles of Compiler Design | Jha Manish K. |
89 | Artificial Intelligence & Expert System | Janakiraman V.S. |
90 | Data Structure Through C | Baluja G.S. |
91 | Theory of Computation | Azad S.K. |
92 | Computer Architechure And Microprocessor | Sharma R. |
93 | Unix Odyssey | Varma A. |
94 | Modeling and Simulation | Sharma R. |
95 | Taxonomy of Path Base Management | Agrawal A.K. |
96 | Information Technology | Sharma Dhiraj |
97 | Fundamentals of Computer hardware | Bhatia Mandeep |
98 | C++ Projects | Sahoo Reeta |
99 | Introduction to Automata Theory & Formal Language | Pandey Adesh |
100 | Operating Systems | Shukla Vijay |
101 | Computer Graphics | Pandey & Pandey |
102 | Thinking in C++ | Pandey S.K. |
103 | Compiler design | Sharma |
104 | Data Structure Using C | Upadhyay |
105 | Operating Systems | Gupta |
106 | Computer Graphics & Multimedia | Baluja G.S. |
107 | Software Engineering | Stephan S. |
108 | Introduction to Computer & Communication | Ravichandran D. |
109 | Embedded Systems | Rajkamal |
110 | Fundamentals of Computer C++ | Hubbard John R. |
111 | Programming & Customizing 8051 | Predko |
112 | Algorithms | Dasgupta |
113 | Local Area Networks | Keiser Gerd |
114 | Operating Systems | Madnick |
115 | Digital computer fundamentals | Bartee |
116 | Operating systems concept & design | Mplenkavic |
117 | Neural Network Fundamentals | Bose N.K. |
118 | Principal of interactive computer graphics | Newman |
119 | Neural Network in computer Inteligence | Fulimin |
120 | Operating Systems | Crowley, Charls |
121 | UNIX : Complete Reference | Rosen |
122 | Data structures | Lipschutz S. |
123 | Database Management Systems. | Majumdar A.K. & Bhattachary |
124 | Programming With C++ | Astrachan O.L. |
125 | Visual Basic 6 : Comple Ref. | Jerke, Noel |
126 | Operating Systems | Godbole A.S. |
127 | Data communication & Network Securty | Carr, H.H. |
128 | Data Structure With C++ | Hubbard John R. |
129 | Programming With C++ | Cohoon J.P. |
130 | Programming With C++ | Ravichandran D. |
131 | Programming With C++ | Gottfried B.S. |
132 | Software Engineering | Gustafson David |
133 | Visual Basic 6.0 programming | Contect |
134 | Cryptography & Network Security | Kahate Atul |
135 | Computer Graphics | XIANG Z.& Plastock |
136 | Mathematical element for computer Graphics | Rogers D.C. |
137 | Procedural element for computer Graphics | Rogers D.C. |
138 | Introduction to logic & the theory of Computation | Martin John |
139 | Software Engineering | Jawadekar W.S. |
140 | Software Engineering concepts | Fairley R. |
141 | Visual Basic 6 | Cornell, Gary |
142 | Web Technogoies | Godbole A.S. |
143 | Visual Basic | Gottfried B.S. |
144 | Data structures | Lipschutz S. |
145 | Computer Architecture | Carter N. |
146 | Programming in ANSI C | Balaguruswami E. |
147 | C : the complete reference | Schildt H. |
148 | Data communication & Networks | Godbole A.S. |
149 | Advance Computer Architecture | Hwang K. |
150 | TCP/IP Protocal Suite | Forouzan B.A. |
151 | Microsoft office 2000 | Busby m. |
152 | Microsoft office 2000 | Courter G. |
153 | Computer today | Basandra |
154 | IT Today | Jaiswal |
155 | Computer fundamentals | Sinha P.K. |
156 | Understanding Pointers in C | Kanetkar Y. |
157 | Design & Analysis of Algorithams | Sharma G. |
158 | An intro. To Automata & formal language | Jha Manish K. |
159 | C++ : The complete reference | Schildt H. |
160 | Let us C | Kanetkar Y. |
161 | Database system concepts | Silberschatz |
162 | Software Engineering | Pressman R.S. |
163 | Database Management Systems. | Post |
164 | Operating System | Dhamdhare D.M. |
165 | Neural Network | Satish Kumar |
166 | Computer Architecture & Organisation | Gonindra B. |
167 | Theory of Automata Format Language | Anand Sharma |
168 | An introduction to Database System | Desai B.C. |
169 | Data Communication & Networking | Forouzan B.A. |
170 | Neural Networks Using MATLAB | Sivanandam S.N. |
171 | CMOS : Digital Integrated Circuits | Kang, Scing |
172 | Systems Programmings & Operating System | Dhamdhare D.M. |
173 | Mastering C++ | Venugopal K.P. |
174 | Operating System | Horris J.A. |
175 | ATM Networks | Kasera S. |
176 | Neural Network | Freeman James |
177 | Logic and computer design fundamentals | Mano, Morris |
178 | The Internet Book | Comer E. Douglas |
179 | Object Oriented Programming with C++ | Bhave M.P. |
180 | TCP/IP Illusted vol- I | Stevens W. Riched |
181 | System Simulation | Gordon Geoffrey |
182 | The Essential of compilers | Hunter |
183 | Operating Systems | Nutt |
184 | Neural Networks | Haykin Siman |
185 | Operating System | Rajkumar Davis |
186 | Modern compiler design | Galles David |
187 | The theory of computations | Moret Bernard M. |
188 | Operating system | Tanenbaum S. Anderson |
189 | Object-Oriented Programming C++ | Sourav Shay |
190 | Programming in C | Ghosh Manas |
191 | Object-Oriented Programming with C++ | Balaguruswami E. |
192 | Principles of interactive computer graphics | Newman, William |
193 | Architecture | Kainrichard |
194 | Elements for computer graphics | Rogers D.C. |
195 | Artificial Intellegence | Knight Kevin |
196 | Unix concepts & applications | Sumitabha Das |
197 | Programming With C++ | Hubbard John R. |
198 | Unix Programing Environment | Kernighan & Pike |
199 | Your Unix the ultimate guide | Das sumitabha |
200 | Mastering C | Venugopal K.P. |
201 | Programming in V B 6.0 | Bradley J.C. |
202 | An introduction to Database Structure with application | Trembley J.P. |
203 | Dictionary of computer communication | Mcgrae Hill |
204 | Computer networking | Tittel ed |
205 | Principles of multimedia | Parekh ranjan |
206 | Fundamentals of computer Algorithms | Horoulite E. |
207 | Fundamentals of computer graphics & multimedia | Mukherjee D.P. |
208 | Fundamentals of Software Engineering. | Rajib Mall |
209 | Algorithms | Corman T.H. & Stein |
210 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. | Akerkar R. |
211 | Theory of computer science | Mishra K.L.P. |
212 | Computer Networks | Black U. |
213 | Artificial Neural Networks | Yegnanrayana B. |
214 | Fundamental of computers | Rajaraman V. |
215 | Computer organization and design | Chaudhari P.P. |
216 | Fundamentals of Robotics | Schilling Robert J. |
217 | Fundamentals of Robotics | Yoshikawa T. |
218 | Introduction to graph theory | Wilson R.J. |
219 | Complete reference Java script | Pawell T. |
220 | Complete reference 'C' | Schildt H. |
221 | Complete reference Internet | Young M.L. |
222 | Complete reference 'Window Vista' | Young M.L. |
223 | Complete reference ASP.NET | Macdonald |
224 | Introduction to Artificial Neural System | Zuraba J.M. |
225 | Dos 6 & 6.2 | Thomas R.M. |
226 | Dos 6 & 6.22 companion | Jain Satish |
227 | Computer architecture & parallor processing | Hwang & Briggs |
228 | Fundamentals of data structure in C | Horowitz E. & sahni |
229 | Programming in Java | Balaguruswami E. |
230 | Data mining concepts & technology | Han & pai |
231 | Mastering visual basic 6 | Petroutsas E. |
232 | Database Management Systems. | Ramakrishnan |
233 | Database Management Systems. | Mata |
234 | Computer organisation | Hamacher carl |
235 | Window 2000 programming | Schildt H. |
236 | Visual C++ 6 | Mualler J.P. |
237 | Java :The comp. reference | Schildt H. |
238 | Visual basic 6 | Perry, Greg |
239 | Computer hardware course | Lotio M. |
240 | Expert data structure with C | Patel R.B. |
241 | Dictionary of computing | Oxford |
242 | Unix shell programming | Kanetkar Y. |
243 | Linux command | Pfaffenberger R. |
244 | An introduction to database system | Date C.J. & swamynathan |
245 | Computer Architecture | Flynn M.J. |
246 | System analysis & moduling | Boyd D.W. |
247 | Computer Networks | Tanenbaum S. Anderson |
248 | Object-Oriented Programming turbo C++ | Lafore R. |
249 | Data structure using c | Jindal rajni |
250 | Database Management Systems. | Leon & Leon |
251 | Internet an everyone | Leon A. |
252 | Programming language | Upadhyay nitin |
253 | Programming with C | Jayapoovan T. |
254 | Compilers writing | Trembley J.P. |
255 | Computer Networks | Paterson LL |
256 | Theory of Automata Formal Language | Patel R.B. |
257 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. | Talwar I.M. |
258 | Simulation modeling & analysis | Law A.M. |
259 | Introduction to computer theory | Cohen D. |
260 | Illustrated M.S. Dos 0.22 | Staltz R.A. |
261 | Linux complete | Sybex |
262 | Let us C++ | Kanetkar Y. |
263 | Beginning Visual Basic Net 2003 | Wilson R.J. |
264 | Visual Basic net programming (black book) | Holzner Steven |
265 | Visual Basic 6 program | Holzner Steven |
266 | C++ : How to programm | Deittel & Deittel |
267 | Teach yourself microsoft office 2007 | Perry, Greg |
268 | Java : How to programm | Deittel & Deittel |
269 | Object oriented modelling & design with UML | Rambaugh |
270 | Visual Basic 6 program | Smith E.A. |
271 | Beginning ASP.Net 2.0 in Visual Basic 2005 | Macdonald |
272 | Programmer microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 | Baleno F. |
273 | Red Hed linux & fedora | Bell, daff |
274 | Programm ASP.Net 2.0 in Visual Basic 2005 | Moroney L. |
275 | Visual Basic 2005 | Stephan S. |
276 | Object-Oriented Programming C++ | Lafore Robert |
277 | Comdex computer cource kit | Vikas gupta |
278 | Thinking in C++ vol- 2 | Eckel B |
279 | Data mining | BPB |
280 | HTML, DHTM, Java script web enable commercial | Bayros Ivan |
281 | Beginning ASP.Net 1.1 in Visual Basic .net | Kauffma Ullman |
282 | Programming with Java JDK | Richerdson W.C. |
283 | Programming with Java | Hubbard John R. |
284 | Multimedia making it work | Vaughan Tag |
285 | Visual Basic .net | Baleno F. |
286 | Object-Oriented Programming in Java | Praveen gupta |
287 | Programming in C++ | Goel R. |
288 | Neural networks & Fuzzy system | Kosko bart |
289 | Artificial intelligence | Yadav S.K. |
290 | Programm in visual basic | Bayros Ivan |
291 | Neural networks & Fuzzy logic & genetic system | Rajasekharan & Pai |
292 | Eithical Hacking | Fadia Ankit |
293 | Network security | Fadia Ankit |
294 | Elements of artificial neural network | Melhotra K. |
295 | Corporate security | Fadia Ankit |
296 | Computers 2003ed. | Saxena Sanjay |
297 | MS 2000 | Saxena Sanjay |
298 | MATLAB- 7 | Rudra pratap |
299 | C application : Programm & Projects | Dilip mali |
300 | Comdex hadware & networking | Vikas gupta |
301 | Visual Basic .net 2003 | Gantenbein H. |
302 | SQL & PL / SQL Oracle | Bagross Ivan |
303 | C how to Programm | Deittel |
304 | Core Java 2 Vol. -2 : Adv. Feature | Horstmann G. |
305 | Core Java 2 Vol. -1 : Fundamentals | Horstmann G. |
306 | Java script 24 hours | Moncur M. |
307 | Programm microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 | Esposoto Dino |
308 | USB Complete | Axelson, Jan |
309 | Embedded ethernet & infornet | Axelson, Jan |
310 | Fundamental of information technology | Leon A. |
311 | C++ programming language | Stroustrap B. |
312 | The complete PC update | Minasi Mark |
313 | Computer networks | Chavan Y.U. |
314 | Data structure | Satish jain |
315 | Object-Oriented Programming C++ | Kanetkar Y. |
316 | Red Hed linux & fedora | Haiao |
317 | Multimedia system design | Andleigh P.K. |
318 | Mastering visual basic .net | Petroutsas |
319 | Google Hacking | Ankit Fadi |
320 | Encyption | Ankit Fadi |
321 | Intrasian Alert | Ankit Fadi |
322 | Distribution systems | Chandari m.G. |
323 | Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming C++ | Kanetkar Y. |
324 | Data Structure Through C | Kanetkar Y. |
325 | Exploring " C " | Kanetkar Y. |
326 | Writing TSRs through C | Kanetkar Y. |
327 | Test your " C " | Kanetkar Y. |
328 | Database system | Rob & coronel |
329 | Computer System Architecture | Mano, Morris |
330 | C++ Prioner Plus | Stephan S. |
331 | TRS C ++ | Liberty & Jones |
332 | Using M S Dos 6.22 | Cooper Jim |
333 | Dos 6.22 | Petoer M. |
334 | A C Upgrade & Repair | Press , Barry |
335 | Test your V. B. Net Skills - 1 | Kanatkar Y. |
336 | Test your V. B. Net Skills - 2 | Kanatkar Y. |
337 | Dot Net interview question | Koirala S. |
338 | Java/J2ee interview question | Koirala S. |
339 | MCQ computer Science | Wilson T.J. |
340 | Test your " C ++ skills" | Kanatkar Y. |
341 | Computer Science Q.B. | Jaiswal |
342 | Computer Science Q.B. | Basandra S.K. |
343 | Computer objective | Amit verma |
344 | Test your skills in C | Selvi S.T. |
345 | Operating systems | Crowley |
346 | Teach yourself C++ | Schildt H. |
347 | Operating systems | Singhal |
348 | Linux : the complete reference | Petersen R. |
349 | Window Vista | Youg |
350 | Unix | Rosen |
351 | Networking | Zacker |
352 | Red Hat | Petersen R. |
353 | Computer organisation | ISRD Group |
354 | Object oriented programming Java | ISRD Group |
355 | Structural system analysis | ISRD Group |
356 | Structured | ISRD Group |
357 | Computer graphics | ISRD Group |
358 | Basic of unix & shell programming | ISRD Group |
359 | Object oriented programming C++ | ISRD Group |
360 | Data communication & computer networks | ISRD Group |
361 | Multimedia information | Sharda Nitin |
362 | Principal of database management | Martin James |
363 | Under standing Unix | Shirengan K. |
364 | An integrated software engg. | Jalote |
365 | Applied datastructure C++ | Peter smith |
366 | Computer organisation architecture | Null linda |
367 | Artificial intelligence illuminat | Coppin ben |
368 | Applications of numerical technology with C | Chandra S. |
369 | Discrete structures & automata theory | Dube Rakesh |
370 | Visual C++ 6 | Young M.L. |
371 | Principle to inteactive multimedia | Elsom |
372 | Information Theory coding | Bose R. |
373 | Networking | Hallberg |
374 | Introduction to computer security | Malt Bishop |
375 | A+ classification | Meyers |
376 | Object oriented analysis | Haigh |
377 | Troubleshooting & Reparing Pcs | Bigelow,s |
378 | Introduction to computer graphics | Krishnamurthy |
379 | Object oriented analysis | Kahate Atul |
380 | I B M Pc | Govindra |
381 | Algorithms design | Goodrich & Tamassia |
382 | Formal language & Automata | Linzocter |
383 | Principles of Compiler Design | Aho Alfred V. |
384 | C++ plus data structure | Data Nell |
385 | Operating systems | Mednick E. |
386 | Principle of interactive computing | Newman |
387 | Artificial Intelligence | Nilsson Nils J |
388 | Unix visual, quick start guide | Ray |
389 | C++ Primer | Lippman |
390 | C++ Programming today | Johnston |
391 | Learn red hat linux 08 | Doss M. |
392 | The ABCs of the internet | Crumlish |
393 | Computer network | Jain M. |
394 | Data structure C language | Chattopadhyay |
395 | Comprehensive guide C++ | A. Kiecha |
396 | Visual basic | Dasgupta |
397 | Microsoft window vista | Fehily Chris |
398 | Computer organisation and design | Patterson |
399 | Red hat fedora | Ball |
400 | Data mining techniques | Pujari, Arun |
401 | Effective C++ | Meyers |
402 | Object Oriented programming with C++ | Jagadev |
403 | Computer organization & architecture | Rajaraman V. |
404 | Fundamentals computer networks | Kundu |
405 | Introduction to information technology | Rajaraman V. |
406 | Logic design theory | Biswas N.N. |
407 | Object Oriented programming with C++ | Barkakari |
408 | Data structure in C++ | Kutti |
409 | Using visual basic 6 | Siler |
410 | The design of the unix operating system | Bach Maurice J. |
411 | Practical approach to data structure & algirithams | Pahuja , Sanjay |
412 | Microcomputer systems | Valvano |
413 | Introduction the theory of computation | Sipser michael |
414 | Compiler design | Kakde O.G. |
415 | Using information technology | William |
416 | Information Technology | Curtin |
417 | Intoduction to Computers | Peter norton |
418 | Computer communication | Hutchin son S.E. |
419 | Database Management & Design | Hensen G.W. |
420 | Atificial intelligence | Thornton |
421 | Visual c++ programming | Kanetkar Y. |
422 | Database management | Jain |
423 | Computer Dictionary | Pfaffenberger R. |
424 | Visual C++ 6 program | Leinecker |
425 | C++ a beginner's guide | Schildt H. |
426 | Microsoft visual C++6 | William |
427 | Unix systems programms | Robbins |
428 | Visual C++6 complete reference | Pappas |
429 | C++ How to programm | Deitel & Deitel |
430 | Thinking in C++ vol-1 | Eckel B |
431 | Introduction to networks security | Krawetz |
432 | Visual C++ 2005 | Ivor Horton |
433 | Understanding operating system | Flynn M.J. |
434 | Operating system | Palmer |
435 | Beginners Unix | Love |
436 | Computer architecture | Parthasavthy |
437 | C++ : The complete reference | Schildt H. |
438 | Computer architecture & organization | Hays |
439 | Local Area Networks | Basardra |
440 | Operating system | Deitel & Chaffnes |
441 | Introduction to neural networks | Anderson |
442 | Object orented analysis | Satzinger & Burd |
443 | Fundamental data structure c++ | Horowitz E. |
444 | Operating Systems | Sinha P.K. |
445 | Object oriented thruogh C++ | Parimala |
446 | Ansi and Turbo C++ | Kamthana A.N. |
447 | Software Project and Management | Jalote |
448 | Upgrading repairing P.C.s | Mueller |
449 | Dictionary of coputational & communication | Mc-graw hill |
450 | Principle of database systems | Ullman D. Jeffrey |
451 | C++ guo programm Qt4 | Bianchelte |
452 | Microsoft window vista | Cowart |
453 | Unix system management | Horwitz |
454 | Fedora | Hsiao Arora |
455 | Data structure using C++ | Natrajan A.M. |
456 | C++ programming | Ullman D |
457 | Software engineering principle | Khurana Rohit |
458 | T.Y.S. C++ in 21 days | Liberty & Jones |
459 | Bignning database | Ponplew |
460 | Fundamentals of artificial neural network | Hassoun |
461 | Unix in 24 hours | Taylor |
462 | Microsoft windows vista | Bott |
463 | Object Oriented programming with C++ & Java | Samanta |
464 | Object Oriented programming with application | Gupta sen |
465 | Object Oriented programming with C++ | Sarag |
466 | Database systems | Prabhu C.S.R. |
467 | TYS visual basic 2005 in 24 hours | Foxall |
468 | Classical data structure | Samanta |
469 | Microsoft window vista | Perry, Greg |
470 | Unix system program C++ | Chan |
471 | Visual C++ | Kruglinski |
472 | Structure & object problems using C++ | Staugard |
473 | Information Technology | Ray |
474 | Networks for computer Scientist | Zheng & Akhtar |
475 | Modern computer architecture | Rafiquzaman |
476 | Programming with Java : A Primer | Balaguruswami E. |
477 | Database system concepts | Korth, H.E. |
478 | Object- Oriented analysis & design with application | Booch & Rambauch |
479 | Data structure using C and C++ | Tenenbaum M. A & Langsam |
480 | Principles of Operation Research | Wangner, H.M. |
481 | System Simulation | Hira D.S. |
482 | Programming in Java | Khandare S.S. |
483 | Computer Architechure : a practical approach | Rajeev chopra |
484 | Algorithams | Dasgupta |
485 | Object oriented programming with C++ | David Parsons |
486 | Fundamentals of computer Algorithms | Horowitz & Sahni |
487 | Programming in C# : A Primer | Balaguruswami E. |
488 | ADO.Net : the complete Reference | Otey & Otey |
489 | C# for programming | Deitel & Deitel |
490 | Computer system organization | Sultania, D.K. |
491 | IT Strategy & Management | Dubey |
492 | Multimedia in action | Shuman |
493 | Web Enabled communication using Java 2.0 | Ivan Bayross |
494 | Operating system: principle and design | Choudhary P.P. |
495 | Unix & shell Programming | Forouzan & Gilberg |
496 | The complete reference : J2EE | Keogh, Jim |
497 | Computer Graphics C version | Baker & Hearn |
498 | Operating systems : Internal & design principles | Stalling,William. |
499 | Operating system concepts | Galvin & silberch |
500 | Java 6 programming (black book) | Kogent |
501 | Engineering Graphics Using AUTOCAD J | Eyapoovan, T. |
502 | Computer Graphics | Sinha & Udai |
503 | Operating Systems : A concept -based Approach | Dhamdhere,D.M. |
504 | PHP6 Apache , MYSQL :Web Develop | Boronczyk & Gless |
505 | Head First Java | Sierr & Bates |
506 | Network Management | Subramaniam |
507 | Programming Languages | Tucker |
508 | Programming Languages: Principle & Practice | Louden |
509 | Concepts of Programming Languages | Sebesta |
510 | Data Communication & Computer Networks | Duck & read |
511 | Fundaments of Programming Language | Horowitz, Ellis |
512 | Int. to Web Design & Programming | Wang & Katila |
513 | Data Network & Internet Communication Tech. | Elahi & Elahi |
514 | Web Technogoies | Jackson, Jeffrey |
515 | Cryptography & Network Security | Forouzan |
516 | Principles of Compiler Design | Raghavan V. |
517 | Datawarehousing fundamentals | Ponniah, Paulraj |
518 | Fuzzy logic: with engg. Application | Ross, Timathy |
519 | Principle of soft computing | Sivanandam S.N. |
520 | Basic computer engineering | Balaguruswami E. |
521 | Basic computer engineering | Arora, Sumita |
522 | Software engineering | Roger, S. |
523 | Digital Image Processing | Gonzalez |
524 | Digital Image Processing | Jayaraman |
525 | Network Security & Cryptography | Menezes, Bernard |
526 | Fundamentals Digital Image Processing | Annajurai S. |
527 | Digital Integrated Circuits | Rabaey JanM. |
528 | Artificial Intelligence & Expert System | Patterson, D.W. |
529 | Introduction to high performance Networks | Muthukumaran B. |
530 | Web Technology | Puntambekar, A.A. |
531 | Web engineering | Pressman & Lowe |
532 | Storage Networks explained | Troppen & Mullar |
533 | Information storage & management | Somasundaram G. |
534 | Int. to formal languages & automata | Peter Ling |
535 | Cloud computing : a practical approach | Velte & Velte |
536 | Essentials of E-commerce technology | Rajaraman V. |
537 | E-Governance : concepts & case studies | Prabhu, C.S.R. |
538 | E-commerce : Strategy, Technologies & appli. | Whiteley, David |
539 | E-Government : The science of the possible | Satyanarayana J. |
540 | Programming language concepts | Ghezzi &Jazazeri |
541 | Real - Time systems | Krishna & Shin |
542 | Real - Time computer control | Bennett, Stuart |
543 | Software Engineering | Sommeruille, Ian |
544 | Introduction to Quantum Computing | Bhunia, C.T. |
545 | High - Speed N/W & Internets | Stalling,William. |
546 | Ad hoc mobile wireless N/W | Toh, C.K. |
547 | Neural N/W Design | Hagan & Beale |
548 | Bioinformatics | Rastogi & Rastogi |
549 | Grid and cluster computing | Prabhu, C.S.R. |
550 | Real - Time systems | Liu, Jane W.S. |
551 | Programming Languages: Design & implementation | Pratt & Gopal |
552 | Data warehouse lifecycle toolkit | Kimball & Becker |
553 | Bioinformatics computing | Bergeron, Bryan |
554 | Fundamental of mobile & pervasive computing | Adelstein & schwiebert |
555 | Mobile Ad hoc N/Ws : wireless lans to 4G N/w | Aggelou, Georgr |
556 | Grid computing | Janakiram |
557 | An Int. to XML web - Technology | Moller & Schwar |
558 | Int to Wireless & Mobile Systems | Agrawal & Zeng |
559 | 2.5G mobile Networks: GPRS & EDGE | Kasera & Narang |
560 | Programmable Logic Controllers | Webb & Rias |
561 | Head Fist Servlets & JSP | Sierra & Basham |
562 | Mastering Cloud Computing | Buyya & Selvi |
563 | Cloud Security | Krutz & Vines |
564 | Java SCJP Certification | Mughal & Rasmussen |
565 | Web Technology | Gopalan & Akiladeswari |
566 | Basic computer engineering | Singh &Jain |
567 | Head First Servlets & JSP | Sierra, Kathy |
568 | Network security | Kaufman & Specier |
569 | FPGA - Based System Design | Wolf, Wayne |
570 | SCJP : Sun Certification JAVA Programming | Sierra, Kathy |
571 | Probability, Random variable and stochastic process | Papoulis & Pillai |
572 | Professional ASP.NET 4.5 in C# & VB | Rastogi, Gaylord |