Mechanical Engineering Books

S.No. Title Aurthor
01 Engineering Drawing: Problems & Solution Experirnced Teacher
02 Engineering Drawing. Bhatt & Panchal.
03 Engineering Drawing & Graphics + Auto cad Venugopal K.
04 Engineering Drawing. Shah M.B. & Rana
05 Engineering Graphics with autoCAD 2002 Bethune
06 Engineering Graphics Mohan K.R.
07 Geomatric simensaning & Tolerance Gill P.S.
08 Engineering Graphics and Drafting Gill P.S.
09 Engineering Drawing. Gill P.S.
10 Engineering Drawing. Surjeet singh
11 Engineering Drawing. Siddiquee
12 Maintenance and spare parts Gopal krishnan
13 Materials & Processes in Manufacturing Degarmo E. Paul
14 Materials Science & Engineering Raghavan V
15 Mechanical Vibrations & Niose engg. Ambekar
16 Optimization for engineering Design Deb Kalyamay
17 Modeling of Autometal manufacturing systems Viswanadham N.
18 Principle of computer Integrated manufacturing Vajpayee S.K.
19 Refrigeration and Air conditioning Ameen Ahmad
20 Theory of mechanism & Machines Sharma C.S.
21 Theory of Machines Bevan Thomas
22 Workshop technology part - I Chapman w.j.
23 Fundamentals of Engg. Heat & Mass Transfer Sachadeva R.C.
24 Internal combution Engine Agarwal S.K.
25 Non conventional Energy Chauhan D.S.
26 All about machine tools Gerling Heinrich
27 Air conditioning principles & Systems Pita Edward G.
28 Engineering Optimization : Theory & Practice Rao , Singiresu S.
29 Basic Mechanical engineering Ranjan T.S.
30 CAD/CAM/CIM Radhakrishanan
31 Industrial engineering Management Ravi shankar
32 Manufacturing Science Ghosh Amitabh & Malik
33 Reliability engineering Shrinath
34 Elements of Strength of Materials Timoshenko S.P.
35 Internal combution Engine Pulkrabek Willard W.
36 Fluid power with application Esposite Anthony
37 Refrigeration and Air conditioning Thipse S.S.
38 Engineering Thermodynamics Radhakrishnan E.
39 Internal combution Engine Gupta H.N.
40 Basic Mechanical engineering D.K. Gupta & Kumar
41 Basic Mechanical engineering Domkundwar
42 Material Science & Engineering Rajput R.K.
43 Fluid Mechanics fluid power Kumar D.S.
44 Machine Drawing Gill P.S.
45 Industrial engineering Operational Management Sharma S. K.
46 Termal Science and engineering Kumar D.S.
47 Heat & Mass Transfer Kumar D.S.
48 Strength of Material Lahri R.S.
49 Refrigeration and Air conditioning Rajput R.K.
50 Heat & Mass Transfer : Databook Kothandanaman C.P.
51 Westermann Jutz Scharkus
52 Fundamentals of Heat & Mass Transfer Kathandarraman C.P.
53 Refrigeration and Air conditioning Prasad Manohar
54 Heat Transfer Dutta Vinay
55 Power Plant Engineering Sharma P.C.
56 Automotive Mechanics Heitner, J.
57 Internal combution Engine Singhal R.K.
58 Workshop Practice Singhal R.K.
59 Industrial Management Verma A.P.
60 Workshop Practice Singh Swan
61 Strength of Material Chakrabirti
62 Manufacturing Practice Singh Swan
63 ISO 9000 to OHAS 18001 Arora K.C.
64 Automobile Engineering Singhal R.K.
65 Non conventional Energy Singhal R.K.
66 Machine Design Sharma P.C.
67 Strength of Material Ramamurtham S.
68 CNC Technology & Programming Raj
69 Industrial Engineering Mishra Vivek
70 Total Quality management Arora K.C.
71 Non conventional Energy Saeed S.H.
72 Industrial Engineering Verma A.P.
73 Operations Research Verma A.P.
74 Statistical Quality Control Mahajan M.
75 Principles Material Science & Engineering Navneet Gupta
76 Mechanical Vibrations Singh v.P.
77 Refrigeration and Air conditioning Arora K.C.
78 Internal combution Engine Domkundwar
79 Power Plant Engineering Domkundwar
80 Theory of Machines Singh V.P.
81 Text Book of Metrology Mahajan M.
82 Heat & Mass Transfer Arora K.C.
83 Work Study & Engonomics Shan
84 CNC Machine Sheraway M.S.
85 CAD/CAM Kumar S.
86 Termal engineering Domkundwar
87 Workshop technology Raghuwansi
88 Termal engineering Rudramoorth R.
89 2500 solved problems inFluid Mechanics & Hydraulics Evett Jack B.
90 Manufecturing Materials & Process Compbell J.S.
91 Modern Machine Process Pandey P.C.
92 Solar Energy Sukhatme S.P.
93 Tool Design Donaldson
94 Introduction to Machine Design Bhandari V.B.
95 Manufacturing Process -I Bawa H.S.
96 Machine Design Hall
97 Gas Turbines Ganeshan V.
98 Basic Refrigerartion & Aircondition Ananthanarayanan
99 Stastistical Quality Control Grant E.L.
100 Production Process Mahajan M.
101 Vibration & Noise for Engineering Pujara, Kewat
102 Industrial engineering & Production Management Mahajan M.
103 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics Giles
104 Materials Science Vijay M.S.
105 Machine Tool Design Mehta N.K.
106 Workshop Processes - II Bawa H.S.
107 Thermal Engineering Sarkar B.K.
108 Refrigerartion & Airconditioning Arora C.P.
109 Non conventional Energy Resource Khan
110 Manufecturing Processes - II Bawa H.S.
111 Solar Energy fundamentals Garg H.P.
112 Vibration Analysis Meirovitch
113 Introduction Reliability & Maintain ability Ebeling
114 Thermodynamics Arora C.P.
115 CAD/CAM : Theory & Practice Zeid
116 Materials Science Rajendron
117 Fluid Mechanics & Machinery Agrawal
118 Power Plant Engineering Nag P.K.
119 Welding & Welding Technology Little R.L.
120 Manufacturing Technology (Metal cutting & Welding) Rao P.N.
121 Fluid Mechanics Cengel Y.A.
122 Engineering Thermodynamics Nag P.K.
123 Turbine Compressors & fans Vahya S.M.
124 Automative Machanics Crouse W.H.
125 Mechatronics Malik N.P.
126 Materials Science Narula G.K.
127 Mechanical Vibrations Kelly S.G.
128 Introduction to Operations research Gillett B.E.
129 Robotics & control Mittal R.K.
130 Automobile Engineering Jain K.K.
131 Machine Elements Bhandari V.B.
132 Mastering CAD/CAM Zeid
133 CAD/CAM : Principle & application Rao P.N.
134 Theory of Machines Bansal R.K.
135 Robotics Ghosal
136 Fundamental of Metal Cutting & Machine tools Juneja B.L.
137 1000 Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics Subramanya K.
138 Fluid Mechanics & Machinery Rama durgesh
139 Computer Aided Manufacturing Rao P.N.
140 Machine Drawing Sidheshwar N.
141 Fluid Mechanics & Fluid Machine Som S.K. & Biswas
142 Heat & Mass Transfer Nag P.K.
143 Strength of Material Vash W.A.
144 Operations Research Bronson R.
145 Quality Control & TQM Jain P.L.
146 Internal combution Engine Ganesan V.
147 Machines of Materials Beer F.P.
148 Heat Transfer PIHS
149 Principles of computer Aided design & Manufacturing Amirouch F
150 Mechatronics Necsulescu Dan
151 Theory of Machines Sadhu Singh
152 Processes & Materials of Manufacturing Lindberg Roy A
153 Mechanical Measurements Beckwith
154 Manufacturing Process for engineering Materials Kalpak Jain
155 Principle of Refrigeration Dossat Roy J.
156 Machine Design Norton R.L.
157 Machine Drawing Junnarkar N.D.
158 Total Quality management Charantimath P.M.
159 Thermal Engineering Gupta S.C.
160 Thermodynamics Gupta S.C.
161 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Rehg J.A.
162 Theory of Vibration with Application Thomson W.T.
163 CAD/CAM Mohan chis
164 Machine Elements Spotls M.F.
165 Heat Transfer Rudramoorth R.
166 Modern Materials & Manufacturing Bruce R. Gregg
167 Engineering Thermodynamics Rogers Gordon
168 Essential Heat Transfer Long, Christopher
169 Fundamentals of Robotics Schilling Robert J.
170 Engineering Mechanics of Solids Popov Egor
171 Introduction to robotics Niku
172 Introduction to robotics Craig John J.
173 Elements of Material Sc. & engineering Black Low
174 Fundamentals of Heat & Mass Transfer Thirumaleshwal M.
175 Introduction to Material Sc. For engineers Shakelford James
176 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machine Gupta S.C.
177 Fluid Mechanics Douglas John
178 Internal combution Engine Pulkrabek Willard W.
179 Workshop technology Khanna O.P.
180 Text Book of welding technology Khanna O.P.
181 Fluid Mechanics Radhakrishanan
182 Fluid Mechanics Mohanty
183 Elements of Manufacturing process Mittal R.K.
184 Physical metallogy Raghavan V
185 Product design & Manufacturing Chitale A.K.
186 Maintenance engg. & manufacturing Mishra R.C.
187 Heat and Mass Transfer Cengel Y.A.
188 Thermodynamics Cengel Y.A.
189 Principal of foundary technology Jain P.L.
190 Heat & Thermodynamics Dittman R.H.
191 Strength of Materials Sarkar B.K.
192 Measurment system Doebelin E.
193 Strength of Materials Bedi D.S.
194 Text book of engineering methdology Gupta I.C.
195 Industrial engineering & Management Khanna O.P.
196 Gas Turbines & Propulsive system Khajuria P.R.
197 Statistical Quality Control Khanna O.P.
198 Work Study Khanna O.P.
199 Foundary technology Khanna O.P.
200 Material Science Khanna O.P.
201 Internal combution Engine Mathur M.L.& Sharma
202 Text book of Production technology Khanna O.P.
203 CNC Machine Adithan M.
204 Machine Drawing Narayana K.L.
205 Introduction to Energy Conversion ( Turbomachinery) Kadambi V.
206 Machine Design Kulkarni S.C.
207 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machine Rattan S.S.
208 Material Science & Engineering : An introduction Callisters W.D.
209 Workshop Technology - I Hajara & Chaudhary
210 Workshop technology - II Hajara & Chaudhary
211 Problem & Solution in Strength of Materials Singhal S.C.
212 Mechanical Vibration Tso F.S.
213 Strength of Materials : part - I Timoshenko S.P.
214 Strength of Materials : part - II Timoshenko S.P.
215 Problem & Solution in Thermodynamics Singhal S.C.
216 Material handling Allegri T.H.
217 Material Science for engineers Gupta Aparna
218 Design data Hand Book Mahadevan K.& Reddy
219 Laboratory manual of fluid mechanics & machines Gupta V.P.
220 Workshop technology - III Chapman w.a.j.
221 Workshop technology - II Chapman w.a.j.
222 Heat & Mass transfer Yadav R.
223 Automobile Engineering Vol- 2 Kirpal singh
224 Automobile Engineering Vol- 1 Kirpal singh
225 Strength of materials Sadhu Singh
226 Power Plant Engineering Nagpal G.R.
227 Strength of materials Prasad I.B.
228 CIM Narang J.S.
229 Text book of engineering thermodynamics Rajput R.K.
230 Mechanics of fluids Sharma I.H.
231 Strength of materials Bansal R.K.
232 T. B. of automobile engineering Rajput R.K.
233 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Bansal R.K.
234 Production technology ( manufacturing process) Sharma P.C.
235 Theory of Machines Khurmi R.S.
236 Heat & Mass transfer Rajput R.K.
237 T. B. of machine design Khurmi R.S. & Gupta
238 Steam and Gas tTurbines & Power Plant Engineering Yadav R.
239 Applied Thermodynamics & heat engines Vol-2 Yadav R.
240 Fundamentals of engg.thermodynamics Vol. -I Yadav R.
241 Reliability engineering Srinath L.S.
242 Fund. Of internal combustion engine Gill paul W.
243 Hydraulic machines Jagdish lal
244 Materials & Financing Management Mishra Vivek
245 Machine design -1 Dubey Abh.
246 Energy source Rai G.J.
247 Welding engineering technology Parmar R.S.
248 Material science Khurmi R.S.
249 Mechanical Vibrations & Noise Engg. Sadhu Singh
250 Robotics Fu K.S.
251 Fundamentals of thermodynamics Sonntag
252 Mechanical engg. Design Shighley J. E.
253 Element of mechanical engineering Sadhu Singh
254 Mechanical engg. Rajput R.K.
255 Mechanical Engineering for Compitition Jain R. K.
256 Mechanical objective G.K. Publ.
257 Mechanical engg. Kumar D.S.
258 Mechanical engg. Gupta O.P.
259 Thermodynamics Agrawal
260 Kinematics of Machines Agrawal
261 Basic Mechanical Engineering Agrawal
262 Workshop Practice Mishra
263 Engineering Graphics Including Auto-CAD 2007 Lakshminarayanan, V
264 Engineering Drawing Dhawan R.K.
265 Steam Tables Rathore
266 Birla's Steam Tables Jain S.C.
267 Steam Tables Khurmi R.S.
268 Kinematics of machines Arora K.C.
269 Principle of management economics Mishra V.
270 Management economics Chhabra
271 Basic Mechanical engineering Rathore M.M.
272 Manual of different topics Bureau of energy efficiency
273 Steam Tables : MKS & S I Units Jain S.C.
274 Strength of materials Khurmi R.S.
275 Workshop Practice Bawa H.S.
276 BIS Catalogue 2007 Bereu of Indian Standards
277 Strength of materials Rattan S.S.
278 Manufacturing Technology Vol. -I( Foundary & Casting) Rao P.N.
279 T. B. of machine drawing inclu.. Computer graphics Lakshminarayanan
280 Thermal Engineering with S.I. unit Mathur & Mehta
281 Thermal Engineering with S.I. unit Rajput R.K.
282 Thermal Engineering Khurmi & Gupta
283 Text book of Production engineering Sharma S.C.
284 Text book of Production technology Jain R. K.
285 Machine Drawing Bhatt & Panchal.
286 Text book of Production technology Vol- II Khanna O.P.
287 Production technology ( manufacturing process) Jain R.K.
288 Machine design Mubeen, Abdul
289 Machine Drawing Dhawan R.K.
290 Machine Drawing Dhawan R.K.
291 Theory of machines Rattan S.S.
292 Theory of mechanism & Machines Ghosh & Malik
293 Fluid mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Rajput R.K.
294 Theory of Plasticity & metal forming processes Sadhu Singh
295 Basic mechanical engineering Nag & Pawar
296 Applied Thermodynamics Yadav R.
297 Thermal Engineering & Gas Dynamics Singhal B.L.
298 Fluid Mechanics Jain Indrajeet
299 Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Sayyad F.B.
300 Fundamental of Entrepreneurship Mohanty S.K.
301 Thermodynamics Vanwylen
302 New Era of Management Daft , Richard
303 Financial Management Khan & Jain
304 Machine Design Pandya & Shah
305 Strength of materials Nash W.A.
306 Marketing Management Kotler & Jha
307 Measurment and Metrology Sawhney & mahajan
308 Marketing of information Technology Venkatesk K.
309 Theory of machine & Mechanics Ballaney, P.L.
310 Fundamentals of turbomachinery Venkanna B.K.
311 Management Problem & Practice Bhat & Arya
312 Theory of Machine & Mechanics John & Joseph
313 Strength of Materials Bhavikatti S.S.
314 Introduction to Thermodynamics Rao , Y.V.C.
315 Production & Operations Management Khanna O.P.
316 Heat Transfer Holman
317 Finite Element Method Reddy J.N.
318 Operations Management Chase
319 Production & Operations Management Chary
320 Power Plant Engineering Rajput R.K.
321 Fundamentals of engineering Heat & Mass Trans. Sachdeva
322 Heat & Mass Transfer Domkundwar
323 Introduction to Finite Element Method Desai & Abel
324 Finite Element Method Krishnamurthy
325 Heat & Mass Transfer Cenget
326 Internal Combustion Engine Stone
327 Engineering Heat Transfer Gupta & Prakash
328 T.B. of Heat Transfer Sukhatme S.P.
329 Pro/Engineer Wildfire 4.0: Engineers & Designers Tickoo & Dass
330 CATIA : V5R17 for Engineers & Designers Tickoo & Raina
331 Mastering AUTO-CAD 2000 & 2012 for ME Students Omura, George
332 Finite Element Analysis Buchanan, Georgr R
333 Power Plant Engineering Wakil M.M.
334 Power Plant Engineering Rai G.D.
335 Production technology HMT
336 HMT Data book Domkundwar
337 Design data : data book of engineers PSG college
338 Manufacturing Engineering & Technology Kalpakjian S.
339 Machine Drawing with AUTO-CAD Ghosh Gautam
340 Reliability engineering Balaguruswami E
341 Motion & Time Studies Design & Measurment of Work Barnes R.M.
342 Renewable Energy Sources & Emerging Technology Kothari
343 Automobile Production systems, CIM Groover, M.P.
344 Introduction to Work Study ILO
345 Mechanical Vibrations Grover G.K.
346 Reliability & maintenance engineering Mishra R.C.
347 Automative Mechanics Srinivasan G.
348 Supply Chain management : Theory & Practice Mohanty
349 Indian case studies in supply chain Mgmt. Mohanty
350 Refrigeration and Air conditioning Domkundwar
351 Refrigeration and Air conditioning Khurmi & Gupta
352 Total Quality management Raju, S.M.
353 Quantitative models in operations & supply c. mgmt. Srinivasan G.
354 Total Quality management Janakiraman & Gopal
355 Quality Control Kulkarni & Bewoor
356 Introduction Defection & Prevention Endorfand & Mel
357 Manufacturing Planning : supply chain Mgmt. Vollmann & Jacobs
358 Industrial Ergonomics Khan, M.I.
359 Principle of heat Transfer Kreith & Bohn
360 Design of Machine Elements Bhandari V.B.
361 Strength of Materials Subramaniam
362 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Alavudeen, A
363 Strength of Materials Negi , L.S.
364 Reliability engineering & Life testing Naiukan , V.N.A.
365 Refrigerant & Psychrometric Properties : Chart Mathr & Mehta
366 Refrigeration tables with Charts Khurmi & Gupta
367 Strength of materials Rajput R.K.
368 Int. to Finite Elements In engineering Chandrupatla
369 Finite Elements In engineering Rao, Singiresu S.
370 Hydraulic of Fluid Mechanics Incl Hydraulic Machines Modi & Seth
371 Adv. In manufacturing engg. & tech. Adithan M.
372 Strength of Materials Ryder GH
373 Adv. Mechanics & Materials Kamal Kumar & Ghai
374 Enginering Optimization : Theory & Practice Rao, Singiresu S.
375 Material Science & Engg. Balasubramaniam, R.
376 Industrial Robotics Groover & Dutta
377 Mechanical Vibrations Rao, Singiresu S.
378 Non conventional Energy Resources Rai, G.D.
379 Non-conventional energy resources Khan B.H.
380 GATE2013 G.K. Publ.
381 Introduction to Robotics Saha, S.K.
382 T.B. on Production engineering Swadesh, K. Singh
383 Robotics Engineering : An Integrated approach Klafter & Negin
384 Automobile Engineering Gupta R.B.
385 Management Information system Davis & Olson
386 IES - 14 : Mechanical Engg. Solved Papers - I Made Easy
387 IES - 14 : Mechanical Engg. Solved Papers - II Made Easy
388 IES - 14 : Mechanical Engg. Solved Papers - I & II Made Easy
389 CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing Groover & Zimmers
390 Mastering AUTO-CAD 2014 & AUTO-CAD LT 2014 Omura, George & Benton
391 AutoCAD 2013 for engineers & Designers Tickoo & Anurag


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