Q: How can I become a member of the Central Library?
A new user has to write an Library membership application and submit it, duly forwarded by HODs to librarian. While collecting the library identity card, the respective user should produce his / her institute Identity Card. After collecting the Library Card one can borrow books from the Central Library.
Q: How do I renew a book and for how many times can I renew the same books?
For renewal, a user has to bring books to the Circulation Counter and can renew the borrowed books in his/her library account by showing the Library Membership Card. He/She can renew the books consecutively for maximum of two times only provided that the borrowed books should not be reserved by any other user(s). The library has the right to recall a book if the same is required by another user.
Q: How much fine I have to pay if I would not return book within the stipulated date?
A borrowed book should be returned within the due date; otherwise one rupee per day per book will be charged from the user as overdue charge.
Q: Where should I pay the library fine/dues?
The Library fine/dues must be paid at the Circulation Counter for the clearance of fine/dues from the user's account.
Q: What should I do if the book I borrowed got lost?
If a user loses a borrowed library book, then he/she has to make an application immediately to the in - charge of Circulation Section to get relief from paying the delay fine from the date of application and to take the following actions whichever is permissible as per library rules:
Q: Is it possible that I can use the library card of my friend on his/her behalf?
No, borrowing of books through friend's library card is not possible at any circumstances.
Q: Can I reserve books which are already Checked - Out to any member?
Yes, you can reserve the required documents in your library account which are already Checked - Out to any member. The reserved documents can only be issued to you as and when they returned to the library within the stipulated period failing which the reservation stands automatically cancelled when the time is over.
Q: Can I reserve multiple books in my name which are already Checked - Out from the library?
Yes, you can reserve multiple books in your library account which are already Checked - Out to any member from the library.
Q: If I reserved any Checked - Out books in my name, how long it will be reserved for me to issue that?
The books are reserved for fifteen days to issue in your library account failing which the reservation stands automatically cancelled.
Q: How can I cancel a reserved document?
For cancellation of the reserved documents you need to get the help of the library staff at Circulation Counter.
Q: Is it possible to issue the books which are reserved in the database?
No, it's not possible. The reserved books are only meant for reading in the library.
Q: Can I issue the same books soon after its returning?
No, you can't issue the same books in your library account soon after its returning.
Q: Can I issue/reissue the books if I have fine due to the library?
Issue and Renewal transaction will be suspended if you have fine due to the library in your library account.
Q: Is there any grace period to be available to the member after due date for returning the books?
No, there is no any grace period after due date for returning the books.
Q: Can the reference book be issued to the member?
No, reference books are not issued to any member of the Central Library. They are only meant for reading in the library.
Q: What is the time period for Classical and Contemporary Literature (CCL) books, for returning to the library?
The Classical and Contemporary Literature (CCL) books are issued only for fifteen days to the user of the Central Library.
Q: Can I renew my library card?
Yes, you can renew your library card.
Q: What shall I do if I lost the library membership card?
Incase of loss of the library membership card, a duplicate library identity card may be issued on the basis of application to the librarian along with the receipt of Rs 10/- deposited in the Institute account.
Q: What shall I do if I need the clearance of dues from the library?
No dues / clearance certificate is issued provided that all the outstanding dues in respect of borrowed book(s) and delay fine, if any, are cleared. Library Identity Card must be submitted along with prescribed Institute No - Dues application form in case of students/research scholars. Staff members and Faculty members are also supposed to return Library Identity Card before issuance of No - dues Certificates.
Q: Which disciplinary action can be taken against me if I fail to deposit the fine within the stipulated period?
All outstanding dues in form of delay fine or lost book must be cleared within the current academic year failing which your membership will be treated as delinquency.
Q: The catalogue card shows that the book I need is out; can I request it?
If a catalogue card shows that the book you need is out can be requested by reserving it on his/her member ID.
Q: The catalogue card shows that the book I need is approved/ordered, what does it mean?
If the catalogue card shows that the book you need is approved / ordered, then it means that the said book is under approval for purchase or library has placed an order for it but yet not received by the library respectively. User has to wait till its receiving and other processing by the library.
Q: The catalogue card shows that the book I need is in process, can I request it for issue?
If the catalogue card shows that the book you need is in process, then it takes time for its availability to the user. So it is advisable to wait till the processing of the book is over.