Industry Interface (Lecture Series)

Workshop/Seminars/Guest Lectures

Interactive sessions always enhance student's knowledge and boost their confidence level. With an aim to supplement the theoratical knowledge of the students, regular visits of eminent personalities from the field of Pharmacy and Health Care Service are organized. Also, there is a regular interaction with professional bodies like IPA, IDMA, IGPA, APTI, OPPI, ISTE, MPCDA, etc. Continuous efforts are made to ensure that the students are exposed to the realities of the professional world and they fully prepared to meet every challenge in their career. Many eminent persons have visited our institutions.

  • Prof. Emeritus S. P. Agarwal, Hamdard University gave an elaborate lecture and guidance to students on scope and careers in Pharmacy in India & abroad.
  • Prof. S. P. Mahajan, Head, Preventive and social medicine, GR medical college, gave lecture on concept of Health & discussed various aspects of preventive & social medicine.
  • Dr. A. Chaturvedi elaborated Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation Methods and demonstrated its aspect.
  • One day seminar on "Lypholization" by Dr. Alok Mishra, CEO, VHB Pharma, Mumbai.
  • One day seminar on "Rabbies and its control" by Shri R.B.Saxena, Zonal Manager, HMR Ltd., Mumbai.
  • One day seminar on "Osteoarthritis and implants for joints replacement therapy" by Sujoy Gupta, Marketing Manager, SIPER, Mumbai.
  • 13 days Staff Development Programme on "Screening and Development of New Drugs" for teachers of Pharmacy Colleges across the country sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi.
  • Three days national workshop on "Modern Instrumental Techniques for Drug Analysis" sponsored by MP Council of Science and Technology, Bhopal.
  • One day workshop "Current Opportunity and Challenges in Clinical Research" by Dr. Ravindra Ghooi, sponsored by Bilcare Research Academy, Pune.
  • Regular Blood Donation Camps by NSS.

Approval , Recognition, and Affiliation

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