Project Undertaken


  • "A Novel Skin Cleansing Preparation" - a project funded by DRDE, Gwalior.
  • "In Vivo Dose Response of Anti-inflammatory Effect & Toxicity Evaluation of BCM-95" - a project funded by Arjuna Natural Extracts Limited, Alwaye, Kerala


  • "Protective Effect of Carsia Tora for Fluoridation Present in Various Regions of Madhya Pradesh" - a project funded by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal
  • "Contribution to the Ethnobotanical, Phytochemical & Pharmacolological Studies of traditionally used medicinal plants in the treatment of some common ailments" - a project funded by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal


  • SDP on "Recent Advancements in Drug Discovery" - submitted for approval to AICTE
  • "Development of formulations of new derivatives of DEPA as a well known insect repellant" - submitted to DST, Ministry of Science & Technology, New Delhi
  • "Effect of herbal extract on hematological parameters and hepatic oxidative stress against fluoride induced toxicity in animals." - submitted to Madhya Pradesh Biotechnology Council (MPBC) BHOPAL

Approval , Recognition, and Affiliation

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