About Non - Book And Reserved Materials

Q: What types of documents are kept in the Non - Book section?
Non - Book section houses with standards, Institute theses, Magazines, National and International journals. Computer based standalone database is also available in the section.

Q: Can I refer to the Dissertations or theses?
authorized user can refer to the dissertations and theses within the Non - Book section only.
Q: Can the dissertations, theses, and , standards be issued?
Non - Book materials are generally not issued to any member. They are referred within the Non - Book section only.

Q: Where do I get question papers of previous year-s examinations?
Hard copies of old question papers of B. Tech. / M. Tech. Mid- and end- term examinations of the Institute are available in the Non - Book section.

Q: Where can I deposit my thesis for using in the Central Library?
You can deposit your dissertation or thesis in the Non - Book section. For this you can contact with the Section in - charge

Approval , Recognition, and Affiliation

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