Industrial Training / Visit

Industrial visit is a part of college curriculum under which students visits various companies to get the practical exposure of inner work culture. During such short visits, students can gather useful information related to the realistic aspects of the educational courses which cannot be visualized in lectures.

Industrial visits provide the platform to the students where they can get the opportunity to learn practically through interaction, understand the working methodology of the workers/ technical persons working in the industry. This also develops interest among the students to watch closely various machinery and in-line operations.

Importance of Industrial Visit: Following are the various importance of Industrial Visit

  • Industry visits sensitize students to the practical challenges that organizations face in the business world. Industrial visits also give greater clarity about various Engineering / Management concepts for students as they can practically see how these concepts are put into action.
  • Visits to manufacturing firms are useful for students to understand the nuances and realities of the shopfloor, which in itself is a rare exposure. By visiting the shop floor they get to understand the risky conditions in which workers work, the people management challenges involved in managing workers apart from getting hands-on technical knowledge.

Few of the glimpses of Industrial visits are:

Rail Spring Factory

Rail Spring Factory is a unique workshop designed for manufacture of Hot Coil Springs of various types for different types of Rolling Stock of Indian Railways. This is the largest dedicated plant for manufacture of Helical Hot Coiled Springs of Indian Railways. The plant is equipped with state-of-the art facilities for manufacture of Coiled Springs. All furnaces of this plant are LPG fired.

A group of 40 students of Mechanical Engineering II year (2014-2018) with 2 faculty members visited Rail Spring Factory on July 31, 2015 to gain the practical knowledge.

Akzo Nobel India

Akzo Nobel India manufactures and markets a wide range of coatings and specialty chemicals. Around 1,780 people work in the six production facilities, two state-of-the-art research laboratories and 75 warehouses across India; its retailers are an impressive 8500 ...and growing. It attracts some of the best talent in the country, with the ANI workforce comprising people who are dedicated, highly motivated and determined to succeed.

A group of 30 students of Mechanical Engineering III year (2013-2017) with 2 faculty members visited Akzo Nobel India on July 17, 2015 to gain the practical knowledge.

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